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In ASL II, the class focuses on expanding their ASL ability by incorporating new concepts of role-shifting and classifier usage, in addition to expanding vocabulary and learning more of Deaf culture.


In ASL III, all of the focuses of ASL I and II are still vital, but now there is added emphasis on near constant communication in ASL. We will begin to investigate ASL poetry, songs, and prose and how these should be signed. On top of that, a variety of projects will focus on the Deaf experience and culture. A high level of signed communication is expected. This is considered to be on a level of a pre-AP course.


Assignment 1

Imagine you are a bench in the  park. Using classifiers and role shifting, tell what happens on a typical day using personification traits.


Assignment 2


Assignment 5



Assignment 4



Assignment 6



Assignment 7
Assignment 8



Assignment 3



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